Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sleep is tircksy

There are just some nights when sleep evades me.  I have this weird anxiety all pinned up and I can never put a name on it.  It's not quite insomnia, those of you know me know that I am world champion sleeper.  Once I fall asleep I generally have no troubles staying asleep and it takes a promise of a hot hot shower and nine cups of coffee to get me out of bed in the morning.  I dont know what it is.  I just call it sleep anxiety.  Its almost like I am afraid I am going to miss something if I give in to Brother Sleep...I feel a lot like a kid when these spells come over me.  Remember when Christmas was a little more magical and a little less exhausting? When you use to wonder that, while mother and father said Santa wasn't real....is that the jingle of a sleigh bell? Was that a boot on the roof? I use to get so excited thinking about the prospects of reindeer I'd would nearly make myself sick.  Imaginations are wild and beautiful things.  I only wish mine would silence itself for the night. Nine year old me did not have to be up at 730 in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's eerie how similar we are, you and me. I sit here commenting away when it's in my best interest to enter snoozeville. We need an intervention of sorts to make us realize the rest of the world is actually sleeping right now so it's ok if we fall victim to sleep, as well! Banish sleep anxiety!
